Fisherman are a special breed. After all we sit and wait for fish to bite for hours, sometimes even the entire weekend. But, once you get that bite, does it snap off? Or do you reel in your long-anticipated prize?
The real name of the fisherman’s knot is the improved clinch knot. However, it’s known as the fisherman’s knot because everyone knew how to tie it at one point, and it’s generally known as the first knot younger anglers learn. It was certainly my first.
The Fisherman’s Knot or Improved Clinch Knot
Tag end: The part you’re going to tie. The end of your line.
Standing line: The remainder of the fishing line that runs through the guides and back down into the reel.
Turn: It should be capped a wrap more than a turn. A turn happens when you wrap the tag end around the standing line.
Here’s a picture to walk you through step by step.

Fisherman’s Knot also known as an Improved Clinch Knot
Step 1: Pass the working end or standing line through the end of the hook.
Step 2: Wrap it 7 times around the standing line.
Step 3: Pass it through the first loop.
Step 4: Pass it under the bigger loop just created.
Step 5: Tight the knot by pulling on both ends.
You can also wet, or spit on the end of the knot to make things slide a little easier.
Depending on how much you have sticking out, a pair of fingernail clippers or scissors will work best to remove any excess. Some fisherman prefer to use a lighter at about the 1/4th of an inch mark. This creates a little ball which prevents your line from coming undone. If you’ve ever lost a fish after thinking your knot was perfect, you’ve learned to add an additional step that isn’t listed here. Take a pair of pliers and pull the hook against the line, does it break? If it does, start over. Remember, so much of fishing is trial and error, trying different things, and learning different things.
Ever wandered how to tie a fishing hook?
Using the above technique you’ll be able to tie any number of fishing hooks. While this knot is generally recommended for 30lb test diameter fishing line and under, it can also be used on stronger fishing lines.
Which kind of line works best with this knot?
You can use this knot for braided fishing line, or mono-filament. It really works with any type of fishing line, which is one of the reasons it’s so widely used.